Australian Players Lose Millions on Poker Machines

In April 2018, Australian players were ranked as the most prominent casino gamblers worldwide, as they lost a total of AU$24 billion a year on gambling alone. This resulted in them generating the most significant casino gambling losses per capita.

Australian Players Lose Millions on Poker Machines
The statistics office in Queensland released information pertaining to the loss of Australians’ money through gambling for the 2015/2016 period. According to the report released, Aussie gamblers lost about AUD$12 billion on gambling machines, and this made pokies the most loved casino game in all of Australia.

Australian Gambling Statistics – Details

It is said that pokies are by far the largest contributor to the disclosed gambling losses, with them being responsible for approximately half of the losses made in the aforementioned period. Casinos were placed second, with about AU$5.2 billion that was lost during the 2015/2016 period. Lastly, on position three, it was the TAB games (Totalisator Agency Board) that were responsible for Aussies losing over AUD$2 billion.
H2 Gambling Capital, an analytics company, made a comparison between all the gambling losses of Australian players, US players and Singapore players. The loss of local AU gamblers was about 50% more than the ones acquired by the players in other countries.
The yearly per-capita casino gaming loss of Aussies has been estimated to be over AU$1 200. What’s more is that these casino gaming loses have been continuously increasing over the last few years as well as the participation of Australians in the gambling industry.

Overview for Australian Players

A study that was conducted by AGRC (Australian Gambling Research Center) revealed that approximately 6.8 million residents in AU gamble regularly, with 39% of this number being occupied by the adult population. These findings suggest that Australia is one of the nations with the most substantial gambling participation rates.